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- 2018.03.17, [European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology] Predictive factor for volume reduction of uterine fibroids after short-term use of ulipristal acetate., (국외)SCI, 교신저자
- 2017.12.07, [Medicine] Functional analysis of cell-free RNA using mid-trimester amniotic fluid supernatant in pregnancy with the fetal growth restriction, (국외)SCI, 교신저자
- 2017.07.10, [European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology] Global gene expression changes of amniotic fluid cell free RNA according to fetal development, (국외)SCI, 공동저자
- 2016.05.01, [European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology] Analysis of the cell-free amniotic fluid transcriptome expressed during the euploid mid-trimester of pregnancy, (국외)SCI, 공동제1저자
- 2015.07.23, [Obstetrics &gynecology science] Maternal antimullerian hormone as a predictor of fetal aneuploidy occurring in an early pregnancy loss, (국내)KCI, 공동저자
- 2015.07.22, [International Journal of Molecular Sciences] Combined Screening for Early Detection of Pre-Eclampsia, (국외)SCIE, 교신저자
- 2014.01.14, [BMC pregnancy and childbirth] Screening models using multiple markers for early detection of late-onset preeclampsia in low-risk pregnancy, (국외)SCIE, 공동저자
- 2013.02.08, [Obstetrics &gynecology science] Maternal age-specific rates of fetal chromosomal abnormalities in Korean pregnant women of advanced maternal age, (국내)KCI, 교신저자
- 2010.05.17, [Placenta] Global Gene Expression Changes Induced in the Human Placenta during Labor, (국외)SCI, 공동저자
- 2009.05.01, [대한태아의학회지] 일측 무두개증을 동반한 쌍태임신에서 선택적 태아감수술을 시행한 1예, (국내)기타, 공동저자