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- 2022.3 - 2022.11 순천향서울병원 외과과장
- 2019.3 - 2022.2 순천향대학교 외과학교실 정교수
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- 2020.3 - (현)대한외과학회 보험위원
- 2020.3 - (현)대한대장항문학회 보험부위원장
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- 2014.3 - 2018.2 대한무흉터내시경복강경외과학회 총무위원장
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- 2021.6 - 건강보험심사평가원 환자분류체게 임상전문가 위원
- 2018.3 - 대한의사협회 배상공제회 심사위원
- 2010.11.18 조성우/백무준, 제62회 대한외과학회 학술대회 로슈학술상, 'Expression changes of angiogenic factors in rectal carcinoma after neoadjuvant chemotherapy'
- 2017.11.2 이지근/조성우, 제70회 대한외과학회 국제학술대회 최우수 비디오상, 'S결장암에 대한 복강경하 전방절제술'
연구 논문
- 2002 Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal herniorrhaphy for adult inguinal hernia: Initial 20 cases. Journal of the Korean Society of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons. Cho SW, YS Chang, Kim JJ, Lee MH, Hur KB, Hur KY. 2002;5(1): 49-54
- 2008 4 Cases of Transgastric Endoscopic Cholecystectomy in Canine and Porcine Models. Korean J Gastrointest Endosc. Cho WY, Kim JO, Kim HK, Cho SW, Choi DH, Kim YJ, Hur KY, Kim JJ, Cho JY. 2008;37:151-5
- 2008 Transgastric endoscopic cholecystectomy of the pig. Annals of surgical treatment and research. Cho SW, Choi DH, Kim YJ, Hur KY, Kim JO, Kim JJ. 2008;74(1):71-5
- 2009 Laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal Herniorrhaphy: Is It Feasible for Recurrent Inguinal Hernias?. The Journal of Minimal Invasive Surgery. ZS Kim, SW Cho, DH Choi, D Song, JJ Kim, KY Hur, YJ Kim, KH Kang. 2009;12(1):44- 9
- 2010 Initial Experience of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Morbidly Obese Patients. The Journal of Minimal Invasive Surgery. JH Noh, ZS Kim, YJ Kim, SW Cho, DH Choi, KY Hur, JJ Kim. 2010;79(6):460-6
- 2010 Expression of LDH-5 in Colorectal Carcinomas: Correlation with Prognosis and Tumor Angiogenesis. Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology. TS Ahn, CJ Kim, DD Jung, DG Park, SW Cho, SY Kim, MS Lee, CH Kim, MS Cho. 2010;26(1):62-8
- 2011 Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Complicated Appendicitis: Retrospective Analysis for the Surgical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness. Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology. YJ Kim, ZS Kim, YY Choi, SW Cho, HD Woo, DH Choi, KY Hur, JJ Kim. 2011;14(1): 7-11
- 2012 Stromal-cell-derived factor 1-α promotes tumor progression in colorectal cancer. Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology. SJ Park, TS Ahn, SW Cho, CJ Kim, DJ Jung, MW Son, SH Bae, EJ Shin, MS Lee, CH Kim, MJ Baek. 2012 Feb;28(1):27-34
- 2013 Expression of Motility related protein 1 (MRP-1/CD9) in Colorectal Cancer.순천향대학교 대학원. SW CHO, JJ KIM
- 2014 Upregulation of stromal cell-derived factor 1α expression is associated with the resistance to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced rectal cancer: Angiogenic markers of neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Oncology reports. Kim HJ, Bae SB, Jeong D, Kim ES, Kim CN, Park DG, Ahn TS, Cho SW, Shin EJ, Lee MS, Baek MJ. 2014 Dec;32(6):2493-500
- 2014 Expression of Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2 Protein in Malignant Cutaneous Tumors. Archives of plastic surgery. Choi CY, Kim JY, Wee SY, Lee JH, Nam DH, Kim CH, Cho MK, Lee YJ, Nam HS, Lee SH, Cho SW. 2014 Nov;41(6):654-60
- 2014 Incidental cholecystojejunal fistula treated with successful laparoscopic management. Annals of surgical treatment and research. HI Jung, TA Ahn, SW Cho, SH Bae, MS Lee, CH Kim. 2014 Nov;87(5):276-8
- 2014 Pain and satisfaction during rigid cystoscopic ureteral stent removal: a preliminary study. BMC Urology. JH Kim, SY Park, MG Kim, HC Choi, D Song, SW Cho, YS Song. 2014 Nov;18(14):90
- 2015 The Usefulness of Laparoscopy in the Treatment of Incarcerated Internal Hernia through a Defect in the Broad Ligament. The Journal of Minimal Invasive Surgery. Cho SW, Yun SC. 2017 Sep;40(9):1105-16
- 2015 Endoluminal full-thickness suture repair of gastrotomy: a survival study. Surgical endoscopy. Halvax P, Diana M, Le`gner A, Lindner V, Liu YY, Nagao Y, Cho SW, Marescaux J. 2015 Nov;29(11):3404-8
- 2015 Alternative venous outflow by brachial to jugular vein vascular access for hemodialysis in the exhausted upper extremities. The journal of vascular access. Kim MJ, Yun S, Song D, Cho SW, Goo DE, Kim YJ, Choi D. 2015 Jul- Aug;16(4):269-74
- 2015 Flexible endoscopic single-incision extraperitoneal implant and fixation of peritoneal dialysis catheter: proof of concept in the porcine model. Surgical endoscopy. Liu YY, Diana M, Halvax P, Cho SW, Le ́gner A, Alzaga A, Swanstro ̈m L. 2015 Aug;29(8):2402-6
- 2015 Posterior triangle approach for lateral in-plane technique during hemodialysis catheter insertion via the internal jugular vein. Annals of surgical treatment and research. Song D, Yun SC, Cho SW. 2015 Feb;88(2):114-7
- 2015 Iatrogenic innominate vein injury by hemodialysis catheter, successful endovascular repair. The journal of vascular access. Song D, Yun S, Cho S, Goo DE, Kim YJ. 2015 Feb;16;16(1):e4-5
- 2015 Surgical management of left upper quadrant sided rectus sheath hematoma occurred by coughing in a hemodialysis patient. Int Surg. Yun SC, Cho SW, Kim ZS, Chong HU, Kim JJ. 2015 Jan;100(1): 190-2
- 2017 Pro-oxidant status and Nrf2 levels in psoriasis vulgaris skin tissues and dimethyl fumarate-treated HaCaT cells.Archive Pharmacology Research. Lee YJ, Bae JH, Kang SG, Cho SW, Chun DI, Nam SM, Kim CH, Nam HS, Lee SH, Lee SH, Cho MK. 2017 Sep;40(9):1105-16
- 2018 Long-term cardiac composite risk following adjuvant treatment in breast cancer patients. Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology. "Choi HB, Yun SC, Cho SW, Lee MH, Park SY, Lee JY. 2018;14:102-7
- 2018 Novel 3-Dimensional Image-Guided Surgery: Application of a Computed Tomography-Based 3-Dimensional Model Using a Tablet Device. Soonchunhyang Medical Science. Cho SW. 2018 Dec; 24(2):142-6
- 2018 Is Postoperative Albumin Level Related with Surgical Site Infection?. Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition. Cho KT, YUN SC, Park SH, Cho SW. 2018 Dec;9(2)
- 2018 A patient-specific three-dimensional couplant pad for ultrasound image-guided radiation therapy: a feasibility study Radiation. Oncology. Kim HJ, Chang AR, Cho SW, Lee SJ. 2018 Sep 3;13(1):164
- 2019 Case report of laparoscopic reduction of retro-ureter incarcerated small bowel obstruction. Medicine. Cho SW, Yun SC, Lee YH, Ihn MH. 2019 Dec;98(49)
- 2019 Cut-down method for perm catheter insertion in patients with completely occluded internal jugular vein. Annals of surgical treatment and research. Cho SW, Yun SC. 2019 Nov;97(5):266-9
- 2019 Flavonoid morin inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of melanoma cells by regulating reactive oxygen species, Sp1 and Mcl-1. Archives of Pharmacal Research. Lee YJ, Kim WI, Kim SY, Cho SW, Nam HS, Lee SH, Cho MK. 2019 Jun;42(6):531-42
- 2019 Development of a 3D breast shape generation and deformation system for breast implant fabrication. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. Na GY, Yang JS, Cho SW. 2019 33(3): 1293-303
- 2019 Cytohesin-2 Is Upregulated in Malignant Melanoma and Contributes to Tumor Growth. Annals of dermatology. Lee YJ, Bae JH, Kim WI, Kim JH, CHO SW, Lee SH, Jeon JS, Nam HS, Lee SH, Lee SH, Cho MK. 2019;31(1):93- 6
- 2020 The efficacy of bleomycin for treating keloid and hypertrophic scar: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. WI Kim, SY Kim, SW Cho, MK Cho. 2020; 19(12): 3357-66
- 2020 Acute Traumatic Arterial Occlusions Combined with Massive Morel- Lavalle Lesions Treated by Percutaneous Angioplasty, Multiple Debridements and Skin Grafts. Vascular Specialist International. SW Cho, SC Yun, SH Won, DI Chun, CH Kim, BW Park. 2020; 36(3): 174-9
- 2020 Overexpression of Nrf2 promotes colon cancer progression via ERK and AKT signaling pathways. Annals of Surgical Treatment and research. Lee YJ, WI Kim, JH Bae, MK Cho, SH Lee, HS Nam, IH Choi, MK Cho. 2020;98(4):159-67
- 2021 Upregulation of DJ-1 expression in melanoma regulates PTEN/AKT pathway for cell survival and migration. Archives of Dermatological Research. YJ Lee, WI Kim, TH Park, JH Bae, HS Nam, SW Cho, YJ Choi, SH Lee & MK Cho. 2021; 313: 583-91