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- 1985년 3월 연세대학교 의과대학 입학
- 1991년 2월 연세대학교 의과대학 졸업
- 2003년 8월 연세대학교 의과대학 박사 (1999.9-2003.8)
- 2004년 3월부터 2007년 2월까지 : 차의과학대학교 조교수
- 2007년 3월부터 2012년 2월까지 : 차의과학대학교 부교수
- 2010년 3월부터 현재까지 : 차의과학대학교 산부인과 주임교수
- 2012년 3월부터 현재까지 : 차의과학대학교 교수
- 2008년 2월부터 현재 : 차의과학대학교 강남차병원 유전학연구소 소장
- 1992년 2월 연세대학교 세브란스 병원 인턴 수료
- 1996년 2월 연세대학교 세브란스 병원 산부인과 수료
- 1996년 3월부터 1999년 4월까지 서울 국군 지구병원에서 군복무
- 1999년 5월부터 2001년 2월까지 연세대학교 세브란스 병원 모체태아의학 전임의
- 2001년 5월 연세대학교 BK21 의과학 사업단에 의한 지원으로 해외 장기 연수
- 2001년 5월부터 2003년 12월까지 Division of Genetics, Dept. of OB & GYN, Pediatrics, New England Medical Center, Tufts University에서 research fellow
- 2005년 12월부터 2015년 8월 : 대한산부인과학회 심사위원
- 2006년 4월부터 2008년 2월 포천중문의대 강남차병원 수련부장
- 2006년 11월부터 2008년 10월 태아의학회 간행위원
- 2007년 10월부터 2011년 3월 : 보건복지부 질환군별 센터 생식의학 및 불임 유전체 센터장
- 2007년 12월부터 2009년 11월 대한산부인과초음파학회 심사위원
- 2008년 1월부터 2011년 12월 : 대한의학유전학회 총무이사
- 2009년 12월부터 2011년 11월 대한산부인과초음파학회 윤리위원
- 2010년 4월부터 현재 : 대한산부인과학회 학술위원
- 2008년 2월부터 현재 : 차의과학대학교 강남차병원 유전학연구소 소장
- 2008년 12월부터 2013년 2월 : 차의과학대학교 강남차병원 진료부장
- 2010년 6월부터 현재 : 대한의사협회 자문단 위원
- 2012년 1월부터 2013년 12월 : 대한의학유전학회 정보통신이사
- 2012년 9월부터 2014년 8월 : 대한모체태아의학회 산전진단위원회 위원장
- 2013년 3월부터 2019년 11월까지 : 차의과학대학교 강남차병원 부원장
- 2013년 10월부터 2017년 9월 : 대한산부인과학회 기획위원
- 2014년 1월부터 2017년 12월 : 대한의학유전학회 간행이사
- 2014년 9월부터 2016년 8월 : 대한모체태아의학회 섭외위원회 이사
- 2015년 10월부터 2017년 9월 : 대한산부인과학회 상임이사, 심사위원장
- 2016년 9월부터 2018년 8월 : 대한모체태아의학회 심사위원회 이사, 산전진단위원회 위원장
- 2017년 10월부터 현재 : 대한산부인과학회 상임이사, 심사위원장
- 2018년 1월부터 현재 : 대한의학유전학회 교육인증이사
- 2018년 9월부터 현재 : 대한모체태아의학회 기획위원회 이사 , 산전진단위원회 위원장
- 59. Dual Effects of Human Placenta-Derived Neural Cells on Neuroprotection and the Inhibition of Neuroinflammation in a Rodent Model of Parkinson's Disease. Kim HW, Lee HS, Kang JM, Bae SH, Kim C, Lee SH, Schwarz J, Kim GJ, Kim JS, Cha DH, Kim J, Chang SW, Lee TH, Moon J. Cell Transplant. 2018 Jan 1:963689718766324. (공동저자)
- 58. A new approach of digital PCR system for non-invasive prenatal screening of trisomy 21. Lee SY, Kim SJ, Han SH, Park JS, Choi HJ, Ahn JJ, Oh MJ, Shim SH, Cha DH, Hwang SY. Clin Chim Acta. 2018 Jan;476:75-80. (교신저자)
- 57. Global gene expression changes of amniotic fluid cell free RNA according to fetal development. Jang JH, Jung YW, Shim SH, Sin YJ, Lee KJ, Shim SS, Ahn EH, Cha DH. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2017 Sep;216:104-110. (교신저자)
- 56. Sequence variations of the EGR4 gene in Korean men with spermatogenesis impairment. Sung SR, Song SH, Kang KM, Park JE, Nam YJ, Shin YJ, Cha DH, Seo JT, Yoon TK, Shim SH. BMC Med Genet. 2017 May 2;18(1):47. (공동저자)
- 55. Kim NY, Kim JH, Park JS, Kim SH, Cho YK, Cha DH, Kim KE, Kang MS, Lim KA, Sheen YH. A 2-month-old boy with hemolytic anemia and reticulocytopenia following intravenous immunoglobulin therapy for Kawasaki disease: a case report and literature review. Korean J Pediatr. 2016 Nov;59(Suppl 1):S60-S63. (공동저자)
- 54. Jung YW, Shim SS, Park JE, Sung SR, Shim SH, Park HR, Cha DH. Analysis of the cell-free amniotic fluid transcriptome expressed during the euploid mid-trimester of pregnancy. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016 Aug;203:94-8. (교신저자)
- 53. Seung Yong Lee, Sung Han Shim, Jong-Pil Youn, Seung Jun Kim, Ji Hoon Kim, Sung A Jung, Hyo Jung Choi, Moon Ju Oh, Kyoung-Ryul Lee, Dong Hyun Cha & Seung Yong Hwang. New Application Methods for Chromosomal Abnormalities Screening Test Using Digital PCR. BioChip J. (2015) 9(4): 339-352 (교신저자)
- 52. Lee C, An J, Kim JH, Kim ES, Kim SH, Cho YK, Cha DH, Han MY, Lee KH, Sheen YH. Low levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 at birth may be associated with subsequent development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants. Korean J Pediatr. 2015 Nov;58(11):415-20. (공동저자)
- 51. Shim SH, Ha HI, Jung YW, Shim SS, Cho YK, Kim JY, Lee KJ, Cha DH, Kim SH, Park HJ. Maternal antimullerian hormone as a predictor of fetal aneuploidy occurring in an early pregnancy loss. Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2015 Nov;58(6):494-500. (공동저자)
- 50. Park HJ, Shim SS, Cha DH. Combined Screening for Early Detection of Pre-Eclampsia. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Aug 4;16(8):17952-74. doi: 10.3390/ijms160817952. Review. (공동저자)
- 49. Kang JH, Park HJ, Jung YW, Shim SH, Sung SR, Park JE, Cha DH, Ahn EH. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Cell-Free Fetal RNA from Amniotic Fluid and RNA from Amniocytes in Uncomplicated Pregnancies. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 16;10(7):e0132955. (교신저자)
- 48. Yun BS, Seong SJ, Cha DH, Kim JY, Kim ML, Shim JY, Park JE.. Changes in proliferating and apoptotic markers of leiomyoma following treatment with a selective progesterone receptor modulator or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2015 Aug;191:62-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2015.05.022. Epub 2015 May 30. (공동저자)
- 47. Kim JW, Lyu SW, Sung SR, Park JE, Cha DH, Yoon TK, Ko JJ, Shim SH. Molecular analysis of miscarriage products using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA): alternative to conventional karyotype analysis. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2015 Feb;291(2):347-54. (공동저자)
- 46. Contro E, Cha DH, De Maggio I, Ismail SY, Falcone V, Gabrielli S, Farina A. Uterine artery Doppler longitudinal changes in pregnancies complicated with intrauterine growth restriction without preeclampsia. Prenat Diagn. 2014 Dec;34(13):1332-6. (공동저자)
- 45. Pyun JA, Kim S, Cha DH, Kwack K. Epistasis between polymorphisms in PCSK1 and DBH is associated with premature ovarian failure. Menopause. 2014 Nov;21(11):1249-53. (공동저자)
- 44. Kim MK, Won HJ, Shim SH, Cha DH, Yoon TK. Spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome following a thawed embryo transfer cycle. Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2014 Sep;41(3):140-5. (공동저자)
- 43. Kim ML, Jun HS, Kim JY, Seong SJ, Cha DH. Successful full-term twin deliveries in heterotopic cesarean scar pregnancy in a spontaneous cycle with expectant management. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2014 May;40(5):1415-9. (공동저자)
- 42. Park HJ, Kim SH, Jung YW, Shim SS, Kim JY, Cho YK, Farina A, Zanello M, Lee KJ, Cha DH. Screening models using multiple markers for early detection of late-onset preeclampsia in low-risk pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014 Jan 20;14(1):35. (교신저자)
- 41. Song SH, Won HJ, Yoon TK, Cha DH, Shim JY, Shim SH. A case of the rare variant of Klinefelter syndrome 47,XY,i(X)(q10). Clin Exp Reprod Med 2013 Dec;40(4):174-6. (공동저자)
- 40. Pyun JA, Kim S, Cha DH, Kwack K. Epistasis between polymorphisms in TSHB and ADAMTS16 is associated with premature ovarian failure. Menopause. 2013 Dec 22. (공동저자)
- 39. Kim SH, Shim SH, Sung SR, Lee KA, Shim JY, Cha DH, Lee KJ. Gene expression analysis of the microdissected trophoblast layer of human placenta after the spontaneous onset of labor. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 17;8(10):e77648. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077648. eCollection 2013. (교신저자)
- 38. Pyun JA, Kim S, Cha DH, Kwack K. Polymorphisms within the FANCA gene associate with premature ovarian failure in Korean women. Menopause. 2013 Sep 16. (공동저자)
- 37. Pyun JA, Kim S, Cha DH, Kwack K. .Epistasis between IGF2R and ADAMTS19 polymorphisms associates with premature ovarian failure. Hum Reprod. 2013 Nov;28(11):3146-54. (공동저자)
- 36. Lyu SW, Song H, Yoon JA, Chin MU, Sung SR, Kim YS, Lee WS, Yoon TK, Cha DH, Shim SH. Transcriptional profiling with a pathway-oriented analysis in the placental villi of unexplained miscarriage. Placenta. 2013;34:133-40. (교신저자)
- 35. Na ED, Cha DH, Cho JH, Kim MK. Comparison of IVF-ET outcomes in patients with hydrosalpinx pretreated with either sclerotherapy or laparoscopic salpingectomy. Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2012 Dec;39(4):182-6. (공동저자)
- 34. Jeon SY, Lee HJ, Na KH, Cha DH, Kim JK, Park JW, Yoon TK, Kim GJ. Hypoxia-induced downregulation of XIAP in trophoblasts mediates apoptosis via interaction with IMUP-2: Implications for placental development during pre-eclampsia. J Cell Biochem 2013 Jan;114(1):89-98. (공저자)
- 33. Song SH, Shim SH, Bang JK, Park JE, Sung SR, Cha DH. Genome-wide screening of severe male factor infertile patients using BAC-array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Gene. 2012 Sep 10;506(1):248-52. (교신저자)
- 32. Bak SY, Shin YH, Jeon JH, Park KH, Kang JH, Cha DH, Han MY, Jo HS, Lee KH, Lee CA. Prognostic factors for treatment outcomes in transient tachypnea of the newborn. Pediatr Int. 2012 Jul (공저자)
- 31. Jung SH, Shim SH, Park SH, Park JE, Park HR, Ahn EH, Kim SH, Cha DH. Prenatal diagnosis of partial trisomy 3q resulting from t(3;14) in a fetus with multiple anomalies including vermian hypoplasia. Gene. 2012 May 1;498(2):237-41. (교신저자)
- 30. Pyun JA, Cha DH, Kwack K. LAMC1 gene is associated with premature ovarian failure. Maturitas. 2012 Apr;71(4):402-6. (공저자)
- 29. Pyun JA, Kim S, Cha DH, Ko JJ, Kwack K. Epistasis between the HSD17B4 and TG polymorphisms is associated with premature ovarian failure. Fertil Steril. 2012 Apr;97(4):968-73. (공저자)
- 28. Kim MJ, Shin KS, Jeon JH, Lee DR, Shim SH, Kim JK, Cha DH, Yoon TK, Kim GJ. Human chorionic-plate-derived mesenchymal stem cells and Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells: a comparative analysis of their potential as placenta-derived stem cells. Cell Tissue Res. 2011 Oct;346(1):53-64. (공저자)
- 27. Park J, Cha DH, Lee SJ, Kim YN, Kim YH, Kim KP. Discovery of the serum biomarker proteins in severe preeclampsia by proteomic analysis. Exp Mol Med. 2011 Jul 30;43(7):427-35. (제1저자)
- 26. Kang JH, Song H, Yoon JA, Park DY, Kim SH, Lee KJ, Farina A, Cho YK, Kim YN, Park SW, Kim GJ, Shim SH, Cha DH. Preeclampsia leads to dysregulation of various signaling pathways in placenta. J Hypertens. 2011 May;29(5):928-36. (교신저자)
- 25. Kim MS, Gu BH, Song S, Choi BC, Cha DH, Baek KH. ITI-H4, as a biomarker in the serum of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) patients. Mol Biosyst. 2011 Feb 18. (공저자)
- 24. Kim S, Pyun JA, Cha DH, Ko JJ, Kwack K. Epistasis between FSHR and CYP19A1 polymorphisms is associated with premature ovarian failure. Fertil Steril. 2011 Jun 30;95(8):2585-8.
- 23. Ree PH, Hahn WB, Chang SW, Jung SH, Kang JH, Cha DH, Kang MS, Huh JY. Early Detection of Preeclampsia Using Inhibin A and Other Second-Trimester Serum Markers. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2011;29(4):280-6. (교신저자)
- 22. Pyun JA, Kang H, Kim J, Cha DH, Kwack K. Thyroglobulin gene is associated with premature ovarian failure. Fertil Steril. 2011 Jan;95(1):397-400. (공저자)
- 21. Kim S, Pyun JA, Kang H, Kim J, Cha DH, Kwack K. Epistasis between CYP19A1 and ESR1 polymorphisms is associated with premature ovarian failure. Fertil Steril. 2011 Jan;95(1):353-6. (공저자)
- 20. Shin KS, Lee HJ, Jung J, Cha DH, Kim GJ. Culture and in vitro hepatogenic differentiation of placenta-derived stem cells, using placental extract as an alternative to serum. Cell Prolif. 2010 Oct;43(5):435-44. (공저자)
- 19. Park J, Cha DH, Jung JW, Kim YH, Lee SH, Kim Y, Kim KP. Comparative proteomic analysis of human amniotic fluid supernatants with down syndrome using mass spectrometry. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2010 Jun;20(6):959-67. (제1저자)
- 18. Park JH, Woo JH, Shim SH, Yang SJ, Choi YM, Yang KS, Cha DH. Application of a target array Comparative Genomic Hybridization to prenatal diagnosis. BMC Med Genet. 2010 Jun 24;11:102. (교신저자)
- 17. Lee KJ, Shim SH, Kang KM, Kang JH, Park DY, Kim SH, Farina A, Shim SS, Cha DH. Global Gene Expression Changes Induced in the Human Placenta during Labor. Placenta. 2010 Aug;31(8):698-704. (교신저자)
- 16. Jeon SY, Lee HJ, Park JM, Jung HM, Yoo JK, Lee HJ, Lee JS, Cha DH, Kim JK, Kim GJ. Increased immortalization-upregulated protein 2 (IMUP-2) by hypoxia induces apoptosis of the trophoblast and pre-eclampsia. J Cell Biochem. 2010 15;110(2):522-30. (공저자)
- 15. Kim JW, Bak CW, Chin MU, Cha DH, Yoon TK, Shim SH. SRY-negative 46,XX infertile male with Leydig cell hyperplasia: clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular analysis and review of the literature. Fertil Steril. 2010 Jul;94(2):753.e5-9. (공저자)
- 14. Jin Hee Kang, Gun Ho Lee, Young Bae Park, Hye Sun Jun, Kyoung Jin Lee1, Won Bo Hahn, Sang Won Park, Hee Jin Park, and Dong Hyun Cha. The Efficacy and Safety of Inflatable obstetric Belts for Management of the Second Stage of Labor. JKMS 2009:24;811-6. (교신저자)
- 13. Brijesh S. Ajjappala, Yong-Soo Kim, Myung-Sun Kim, Min-Young Lee, Kwang Youl Lee, Ho-Yun Ki, Dong-Hyun Cha, Kwang-Hyun Baek. 14-3-3r stimulated by IL-3 promotes cell proliferation. Journal of Immunology 2009 Jan;15;182(2):1050-60. (공저자)
- 12. Farina A, Sekizawa A, De Sanctis P, Purwosunu Y, Okai T, Cha DH, Kang JH, Vicenzi C, Tempesta A, Wibowo N, Valvassori L, Rizzo N. Gene expression in chorionic villous samples at 11 weeks'gestation from women destined to develop preeclampsia. Prenat Diagn 2008 Oct; 28(10): 956-61. (공저자)
- 11. Kang JH, Farina A, Park JH, Kim SH, Kim JY, Rizzo N, Elmakky A, Jun HS, Hahn WB, Cha DH. Down syndrome biochemical markers and screening for preeclampsia at first and second trimester: correlation with the week of onset and the severity. Prenat Diagn 2008 Aug;28(8): 704-9. (교신저자)
- 10. Park JM, Lee EJ, Ramakrishna S, Cha DH, Baek KH. Association study for single nucleotide polymorphisms in the CYP17A1 gene and polycystic ovary syndrome. Int J Mol Med. 2008 Aug;22(2):249-54. (공저자)
- 9. Cha DH, Khosrotehrani K, Bianchi DW, Johnson KL. The utility of an erythroblast scoring system and gender-independent short tandem repeat (STR) analysis for the detection of aneuploid fetal cells in maternal blood. Prenat Diagn. 2005 Jul;25(7):586-91 (제1저자)
- 8. Yoon YS, Wecker A, Heyd L, Park JS, Tkebuchava T, Kusano K, Hanley A, Scadova H, Qin G, Cha DH, Johnson KL, Aikawa R, Asahara T, Losordo DW. Clonally expanded novel multipotent stem cells from human bone marrow regenerate myocardium after myocardial infarction. J Clin Invest. 2005 Feb;115(2):326-38. (공저자)
- 7. Khosrotehrani K, Johnson KL, Cha DH, Salomon RN, Bianchi DW. Transfer of fetal cells with multilineage potential to maternal tissue. JAMA. 2004;292(1):75-80. (공저자)
- 6. Cha DH, Farina A, Bianchi DW, Johnson KL. ROC analysis of an erythroblast morphologic scoring system to improve identification of fetal cells in maternal blood. Prenat Diagn 2004 Feb;24(2):117-20 (제1저자)
- 5. Cha D, Khosrotehrani K, Kim YT, Stroh H, Bianchi DW, Johnson KL. Cervical cancer and microchimerism. Obstet & Gynecol 2003;102:774-781. (제1저자)
- 4. Khosrotehrani K, Johnson KL, Cha DH, Bianchi DW. The influence of fetal loss on the presence of fetal cell microchimerism: a systematic review. Arthr & Rheumatol 2003;48:3237-3241. (공저자)
- 3. Cha D, Hogan B, Bohmer RM, Bianchi DW, Johnson KL. A simple and sensitive erythroblast scoring system to identify fetal cells in maternal blood. Prenat Diagn 2003;23:68-73. (제1저자)
- 2. Yang YH, Jee KJ, Kim SK, Park YW, Kim IK, Cha DH, Chung JE, Kim SH. Prenatal genetic diagnosis from maternal blood: simultaneous immunophenotyping and FISH of fetal nucleated erythrocytes isolated by negative and positive magnetic activated cell sorting. Yonsei Med J. 2000 Apr;41(2):258-65. (공저자)
- 1. Yang YH, Song KS, Kim IK, Cha DH. Rapid polymerase chain reaction analysis of St14 (DXS52) VNTR: carrier detection of hemophilia A. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 1997 Aug;23(4):399-406. (공저자)